Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Getting Started

Okay.  This is my first blog ever so the title fits my blog also!

Getting started is the hardest part of exercising regularly, right?  Or is it the easiest and continuing is the hardest?  For me, finding the time to just get started is the hardest.  Juggling 5 jobs and staying up until 2 am or later to get work done isn't conducive to rising early in the morning for a workout. 

First, I am going to start trying to drink 16 oz. of water when I get up in the morning before I eat breakfast and drink the same amount before lunch and dinner meals.  This should limit how much I eat and therefore how many calories I take in at meals.  Then I just have to work on those snacking moments when I get cravings!  Does anyone else get cravings while watching TV?  I certainly do!  I always want popcorn while watching football or baseball.  Those food commercials sometimes get me also.  Or even just a TV show with people eating a specific food will make me crave it right then.  That's where being lazy or a procrastinator comes in handy as the craving will pass if I don't get up to go fix myself some food.

On to actually exercising.  I am way out of shape.  I get winded on simple things which isn't good for my COPD.  I have exercise induced asthma.  So exercising aerobically is tougher.  I don't have an inhaler or anything, so I have to get past those first 10-15 minutes on my stationary bike to keep going.  Lifting weights is a little easier on my breathing.  I do enjoy watching the Tour de France and feel inspired to ride my stationary along bike with them.  So, I have about two weeks now to try to ride with the guys.  Watching TV helps pass the time and keeps your mind off how long you're riding.  At least for me it does.  About 12 years ago I lost a lot of weight by riding my stationary bike an hour each morning and lifting weights.  I was losing 5 to 7 pounds each week.  That was with me working only 2 jobs at the time.  Now there are 5 and I have to try to manage my time so I can find the time to exercise daily.

Going to eat breakfast now at 11:00 am then off to run errands.  Should have eaten when I fixed breakfast for my Dad.  Will let you know later if I did any exercise today!  At least I drank the 16 oz. of water already!

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